International rescue - Canada and Egypt.
Today I have two rescues - one of a Canadian citizen, and one of an Egyptian citizen - both involving injuries due to the negligence of people who are fishing and leaving their fishing lines and hooks behind.
The first rescue of the Egyptian Goose required a kayak, a net, help from a Good Samaritan who joined Loreta Frankonyte and me, and A LOT of determination to accomplish this mission as the sun was beating us (especially Loreta). Rod has experience in helping injured birds and we worked really well together.
Thank you so much!
For the second rescue of a Canada Goose, I was accompanied by Judith Sanchez who assisted me in this cool rescue. I have never done anything like this before, and I was a little nervous as I was told I could break a few fingers this way 😳
Judith continues to update me as this Goose she named Goosita keeps coming to visit her and showing her healing process - she is completely healthy and not limping anymore!

Thank you so much for helping us save so many animals!
This week I will post 3 new dog rescue videos with 11 dogs!!!
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