Wild Animal Rescues
This blog is a quick follow-up to our latest "WILD RESCUE" video.
Hello, it's Eldad,
I just wanted to explain a couple of things here that I couldn't get into in the video I just posted on our channel.
First, the California Gull. He is under the care of Pacific Wildlife Project and as you can see in his video, his wing is bandaged. We will have to wait a few more weeks to see how he is healing. Meanwhile, he is eating well, he has many new friends, and I will keep you posted on him!
The story with the mama opossum is a little more complicated. Sadly, she spent 5 days in that swimming pool until Angela called us for help. She fed her during this whole time, but the mama was stressed and as she was trying to figure a way out of the pool, she kept swimming in the little pool of water that collected at the far end. Opossums are marsupials which means they have a pouch (just like kangaroos). The young mom didn't realize it, but by swimming, she accidentally drowned her all her babies - except for one!

What made things even worse is that the dead babies were attached to her nipples, and they remained in her pouch. Unfortunately, the babies started decomposing inside her pouch, and I saved you seeing that horrifying situation. We are really amazed that the one baby even survived.

Linda, the founder of Pacific Wildlife Project removed all the dead babies and cleaned the pouch really well. She was still concerned about any leftover bacteria that still may be in that pouch, and she didn't want to risk putting the baby back in that pouch. The mom just experienced something tough, we were unsure about the quality of her milk at that point, she was extremely stressed by the presence of humans, so we decided to release her just 48 hours after her rescue.
Kris, a volunteer for Pacific Wildlife Project met us in the evening and led us to a location where the mama would be safe - a place where food and water will be readily available to her.
We wish the mama Good Luck, and we promised to release her baby at the same location in a few weeks. I know this may seem harsh to separate the baby from her mom, but it was the best way to ensure the survival of both of them.
I will post a follow-up video soon! 😊
One more thing I wanted to mention is Amazon Smile.
I posted a blog about it here - it's a great way to help us FOR FREE!
Next on the list - the Hope For Paws mobile APP! We just updated it, and you can download it for FREE on Google Plus or on the APP Store - just look for "Hope For Paws". Please make sure to turn the notifications ON, and this way, Loreta, JoAnn, Katie and myself will be able to text you when a new video comes out 😊
Please check it out and join our growing family there!