Hope For Skunks
Six baby skunks get stuck in a Jacuzzi - Hope For Paws reunites them with their mom!
Hello Hope For Paws supporter,
I really hope you will enjoy this super special rescue video:
A skunk is one of the most peaceful, non-aggressive animals you could ever encounter. Skunks don’t just attack. They will give you plenty of warning by stomping their front feet and sometimes even standing on their front legs to deter you from approaching them, and only as a last resort will they spray. Although a skunk can sometimes bite, spraying is really their only defense against large animals and humans.
Skunks can be very beneficial for your yard and garden because they eat common pests like mice, insects, moles, larvae, earthworms, grubs, lizards, and snakes to name a few. They also do a bit of gardening by spreading seeds and plants through their scat.
If you see a skunk trying to nest in your yard and you don’t want it, just place citrus peels around that area and they will leave. They don’t like that smell and will find another place to nest. On the other hand, we should all coexist with one another. There is enough space for humans and animals to cohabitate. Wouldn’t you love to experience these beautiful animals in your own yard and see their babies grow? All families whether humans or animals know and feel love, maternal instincts, and protectiveness over their babies. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch and there is a lot we can learn from animals about unconditional love.
Having had the opportunity to rescue this stunning family, I love and appreciate skunks in the same way as I love and appreciate dogs, cats, and any other animal. I really felt a strong connection knowing how their mother spent hours circling the tub and worrying about her babies, that’s an amazing thing to see and know. All mothers are incredible and will protect and save their babies in any way they can and we should all respect them no matter what species they are. I am beyond honored that I get to rescue not only dogs and cats but also raccoons, opossums, birds, and these super adorable skunks. Just give them a chance and open your hearts to them and you’ll see how much you’ll enjoy watching these families grow.If you do see an injured or a sick skunk, please do NOT call a nuisance wildlife trapper or pest control, they will drown the skunks to avoid getting sprayed. That’s a horrific death that can be prevented by you calling a wildlife rehabber that will do everything they can to save a life.

If you do see an injured or a sick skunk, please do NOT call a nuisance wildlife trapper or pest control, they will drown the skunks to avoid getting sprayed. That’s a horrific death that can be prevented by you calling a wildlife rehabber that will do everything they can to save a life.
As I always say, let’s all work together in raising awareness for all the animals so we can make this world a better place for all. All lives matter and we are so blessed to share this planet with such special little creatures.