CAVE rescue with lots of puppies, and a bonus dog who read my mind!!!
This rescue video is quite long, so I won't write too many words 😊
The coolest thing about this rescue is that with 9 dogs, it required a major collaboration!
Hope For Paws (Katie, Alex, and myself) accomplished the actual rescue (3-hour long drive in every direction, crawling, cleaning, handling everything medical)
PAL Rescue (Freddy Kelly) called us about this family and fostered the mom and puppies until they were weaned. Once the puppies didn't need their mom anymore and were spayed/neutered, they continued fostering 4 of the babies: Fang, Macloud, Norton, and Wolfie. To apply to adopt them, please visit:
Foxy And The Hounds (Terri Fox) offered to foster mama Starshine and babies: Bimba, Janezy, and Ronnie. To apply to adopt them, please visit:
The Animal Rescue Mission (Shira Astrof) took on the mission of rehabilitating Shay and did an incredible job! To apply to adopt her (the dog, not Shira), please visit:
Hope For Paws Supporters (you, yes YOU) who watch our videos, donate when possible, add us to Amazon Smile, and help us pay for the medical care of all these animals - we really appreciate your support!
If you are not a Hope For Paws member yet, please join us today and I will send you a Lucky Leash:
We couldn't accomplish all these missions without your support, and with more supporters, we will be able to do even more!

(This photo looks like we're rescuing on Mars)
Please join us.
This rescue reminded me of our most popular rescue video EVER!
I hope you will enjoy both videos ❤️
Thank you so much for your support!